Once upon a time in a bustling city, where the rhythm of life echoed through crowded streets, Sogol and Ali’s paths converged in the most serendipitous of ways. Sogol, an aspiring architect with a passion for capturing the beauty of urban landscapes, often found inspiration in the city’s vibrant chaos.

Their eyes met one fateful day when Sogol, seeking solace from the city’s hustle, stumbled upon Ali’s impromptu performance. Enchanted by his music, she approached, and their connection sparked like the first notes of a love song. Ali, equally captivated by Sogol’s artistic spirit, invited her to collaborate on a project that would blend his melodies with her visual storytelling.

Love is like the wind,
you can't see it
but you can feel it

In the tapestry of life, a wedding is the exquisite thread that weaves together the story of eternal love.

Love is being together.

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